
What Do We Specialise In?

Tailored Office Furniture


Our team will take you through the room planning stage, which will give you a plan on how to present furniture in your office space. 

Room plan and office design to create your office room quickly and easily.



We take pride in our relationships with our furniture suppliers, meaning that we can offer you the best quality furniture for your budget.


It all starts with an in-depth conversation and analysis of your current workplace so that we can implement the best service for you that fits you and your workforces needs to make the most of your space and budget.


Picking the right furniture for your office is one of the most crucial elements of the fit-out process, your furniture will be the core of your office. If the office furniture is good quality, then it can provide so many benefits to your workforce, such as boosting productivity and supporting your workforce’s health or wellbeing. As well as helping to strengthen your brand identity to prospective clients.


Whether you’re looking for office chairs, desks, or even office pods for privacy and focus - we can provide these using our carefully selected leading suppliers to ensure you get the best quality for your budget.







Partitions are a fantastic way to optimise your office space, you can create private meeting spaces, breakout areas or even receptions through the utilisation of them, offering a contemporary approach as an innovative design feature. Presenting total flexibility to your work environment as they are easily transportable so you can constantly keep updating and evolving your office environment to your needs and requirements.

Compliment your office with premium furniture
tailored to your needs.

Tailored Office

Picking the right furniture for your office is one of the most crucial elements of the fit-out process, your furniture will be the core of your office. If the office furniture is good quality, then it can provide so many benefits to your workforce, such as boosting productivity and supporting your workforce’s health or wellbeing. As well as helping to strengthen your brand identity to prospective clients.

Our services include a range of styles and sustainability to offer your workplace a distinct and diverse impression.

Our Services Include -


Bespoke Office
From Leading Brands

We take pride in our relationships with our furniture suppliers, meaning that we can offer you the best quality furniture for your budget. It all starts with an in-depth conversation and analysis of your current workplace so that we can implement the best service for you that fits you and your workforces needs and to make the most of your space and budget.

Latest Client Projects

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John Smith / John Smith Co



Get In Touch

Your next project starts here - enquire now and our team will be in touch with you shortly.

    The Union Building, 51 – 59 Rose Lane, Norwich, NR1 1BY

    Monday – Friday 09.00 – 17.00

    Saturday – Closed
    Sunday – Closed